
Useful Informations - Contact

Here you will find information on the location of Nereids apartments and studios, useful instructions and contact information.

Contact Us

Contact us to ask about prices, availability, or if you want to make a reservation. We can offer you a special discounted price!

14 + 11 =

How to find us:

You can reach Thassos island either from Kavala’s or Keramoti’s harbor. The route from Keramoti is shorter and ferry boats’ schedules are more frequent.

When you arrive in Thassos (Limenas), follow the road to Panagia village (8 km) and just before you enter it take the left turn to Chryssi Ammoudia (3 km).

As you reach the populated area, take the first asphalt road to your right (there are multiple sign posts there) and keep going until you reach us.

Nereids is located in the block opposite to the Golden Beach Camping.

To see Photoghraphs from our rooms and facilities click here.


Golden Beach, Thassos, Greece



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